Le blindé de la marque Esci est retravaillé complètement. Un canon en alu rajouté et le moteur fabriqué en "scratch". La voiture est un kit Monogram. Le M113 Tamiya a été additionné d'un kit de canon soviétique bitube ZU23 de 23mm propre à cette version...
The scene of the T55 abandoned in a Beirut neighborhood in Lebanon was inspired by photos donated by a soldier who served with the French contingent in 1988. The scene depicts a child's playground while a Lebanese army M113 patrols, also inspired by a photo...
The Esci armored vehicle is completely reworked. An aluminum barrel is added, and the engine is scratchbuilt. The car is a Monogram kit. The Tamiya M113 has been fitted with a 23mm ZU23 twin-tube Soviet gun kit specific to this version...